English can find more job opportunities

Many large companies around the world require that their employees speak English. In some cases, these companies are requiring their workers to only use English.

As the world becomes more global (better connected), it is only natural that big businesses will want and need to communicate more. Right now, everyone is trying to learn and communicate with English. English is becoming the common language that people from different countries and cultures can use to communicate with one another.

For example, imagine that a businessperson from Israel, who speaks English and Hebrew, wants to do business with a someone from South Africa, who speaks English and Afrikaans. Even though they both started learning English as a second language in elementary school, they can use English to communicate with each other!

As Rakuten’s CEO Hiroshi Mikitani told CNN, “if you want to become successful in other countries, you need to internationalize your headquarters.” Because people from around the world know English and use it to communicate with everyone else, it is important that employees also know English. English is an important part of this process of becoming more internationalized.

You do not just need English to work at American, Australian and British companies. In my own experience as an English professor in Korea, many students have come to me asking for help with required English interviews at Samsung, LG and other large Korean companies.

By learning English, you can be well-prepared for interviews with any large, international companies. And, luckily, there are plenty of resources out there to help you practice for your English interview.

Not to mention, English is great for careers with travel, tourism and hospitality.